Welcome to the Zen Community of Oregon

The primary purpose of ZCO is to express and make accessible the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha's teachings, as transmitted through an authentic, historical lineage and to support and maintain Zen Buddhist practice in order to realize our true nature and actualize the Buddha nature in everyday life.

Great Vow Zen Monastery

A residential Zen community of lay and ordained people practicing and evolving spiritual community in response to our times. Grounded in our lineage inheritance, with an eye open to perspectives and methods that serve our vow for Awakening, we aspire to create and uphold a dynamic and connected community and practice life. 

We are accepting applications for residency. Email the director of training, training@zendust.org for an application.

The Zen Community of Oregon welcomes everyone. We study together and practice for the benefit of all beings and this living earth. We recognize the suffering caused by biases, prejudices, systems of power, privilege, and oppression based on race, sex, class, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. We aspire to do no harm and to dismantle barriers that cause separation and suffering, recognizing that our liberation is interconnected with the liberation of all.

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Located in northeast Portland, Heart of Wisdom is a sanctuary of serenity and community where a spectrum of Buddhist teachings are offered ranging from daily meditation to social action initiatives.