Welcome to the Zen Community of Oregon
The primary purpose of ZCO is to express and make accessible the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha’s teachings, as transmitted through an authentic, historical lineage and to support and maintain Zen Buddhist practice in order to realize our true nature and actualize the Buddha nature in everyday life.
Great Vow Zen Monastery
A residential Zen community of lay and ordained people practicing and evolving spiritual community in response to our times. Grounded in our lineage inheritance, with an eye open to perspectives and methods that serve our vow for Awakening, we aspire to create and uphold a dynamic and connected community and practice life.
We are accepting applications for residency. Email the director of training, training@zendust.org for an application.
The Zen Community of Oregon welcomes everyone. We study together and practice for the benefit of all beings and this living earth. We recognize the suffering caused by biases, prejudices, systems of power, privilege, and oppression based on race, sex, class, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. We aspire to do no harm and to dismantle barriers that cause separation and suffering, recognizing that our liberation is interconnected with the liberation of all.
Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple
Located in northeast Portland, Heart of Wisdom is a sanctuary of serenity and community where a spectrum of Buddhist teachings are offered ranging from daily meditation to social action initiatives.
Awakening to the Delusion of Whiteness: Using the Dharma to Dismantle Oppression
January 15 - June 22, 2025
Awakening to the Delusion of Whiteness is structured as an “affinity group” for white people to explore the elements that have contributed to this often unconscious identity. We explore in this way with an understanding that our own liberation/awakening is intimately bound to one another.
Winter Zazenkai: A One Day Meditation Retreat
With Jogen Salzberg, Sensei
January 18, 2025
Heart Of Wisdom Zen Temple
This is a silent day of Zen Buddhist meditation practice together, seated and active. The schedule includes meditation (zazen), chanting, caring for the garden and grounds, and Dharma talk.
Home Hermitage – A Day Long Retreat Online
With Jogen Salzberg, Sensei
January 26, 2025
We will spend a day meditating in the intimate aloneness that embraces all beings. Doing sustained zazen in our own dwelling place and its wild domesticity invites the desired integration of the everyday and the sacred. […]
Investigating Zen Practice: a one-day workshop
With Kosho Ault and Ed Gensho Welsh
February 1, 2025
Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple
Experience an Introduction to Zen Practice through the Ten Directions. This one-day in-person workshop at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple is for beginners or those who want to dive deeper into Zen practice. Learn how to practice using ancient methods that are applicable in today’s world: Meditation and sitting with stability Mindfulness practice off the cushion Chanting Mindful eating Work practice Stillness Walking meditation Koans Tradition and ritual Dharma teachings Lunch is included. Your RSVP helps us know how much lunch to prepare.
Death’s Tiny Tea House – Diving into Impermanence
February 2, 2025
Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple
The Buddha’s teachings on impermanence and death are fundamental: “I am of the nature to die, there is no way to escape death. “All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature of change; there is no way to escape being separated from them.” The Five Remembrances And, at the same time, we live and practice in a culture that generally discourages discussion of dying, death, and grief. Death’s Tiny Tea House will provide the community an opportunity to co-create an open conversation about dying, death, grief and related topics. There is no…
Basics of Buddhism: Online class series
With Laura Jomon Martin and Ed Gensho Welsh
February 2 - March 2, 2025
This course introduces the key teachings of Buddhism as they are embodied in our Zen tradition. We will explore the biography of the Buddha in historical context and engage with the foundational practices he taught. This course is a requirement for Jukai, but anyone who is interested is welcome to participate. This class takes place on concurrent Sundays, beginning February 2nd from 3:30 to 5:30 pm
City Refuge: Meditation Retreat
With Kodo Conover
February 20 - 22, 2025
Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple
Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple will be offering an extended opportunity for retreat practice in the city. This three-day non-residential retreat will include many of the elements you’ll find in sesshin.
16 Bodhisattva Precepts Online Classes
With Larry Fuho Trussell
March 2 - April 6, 2025
The beginning and end of our practice is ethical living; acting, speaking and thinking in ways that support the greatest wellbeing and awakening for all beings. Anyone who has taken the 5 Precepts Class can take this class, whether you have already formally taken the precepts, are considering taking the precepts, or you are simply curious about the ethical guidelines that rest at the foundation of Zen practice.
March Sesshin – Deep Listening
With Jogen Salzberg, Sensei, Hogen Bays, Roshi and Anusha Enryu Fernando
March 14 - 23, 2025
Great Vow Zen Monastery or Online
Awareness meeting sound has been a gate into the depths of the heart-mind for as long as human beings hve longed to open. During this sesshin we come together in joyous recognition of the power of deep listening, and sink into the rhythms of our wild, wonderful and mysterious life.
The Work: a weekend Inquiry workshop
With Eduardo Zambrano
May 22 - 25, 2025
Great Vow Zen Monastery
During this Workshop, we will use Byron Katie’s method of inquiry called The Work to investigate our core beliefs and fixed ideas which cause suffering in our world. What ideas to you have about your life and the world that actually are not in service to the development of compassion? We hold many views simply from habit. In this retreat we will be given tools to expand beyond what we believe to be our limitations, and see our world from a place of insight and deeper wisdom. The monastery environment provides an ideal setting in which to deepen the practice of…