Summer Time at Great Vow

Winding Down Summer 2024 at Great Vow

On some recent clear, starry nights Orion emerged into view again. We have already passed the Autumnal Equinox, a little cooler on each inhale, the darkening evenings, and even some rain, but we will still squeeze the last drops out of Oregon’s sunny days around here. Great Vow is surrounded by and infused with the continuous teaching of nature. Of impermanence.  

The twin fawns who ambled up and stared right into the Zendo windows when they were just a few weeks old in May – nibbling in the wildflower garden most mornings– have lost their spots. 

The bucks’ antlers are smooth now, boasting a number of points.  A murder of crows parties loudly in the plum trees, carrying off any scrap of the last missed fruit.

The garden is still resplendent with zinnias and dahlias, though the basil is done. The sunflowers’ yellow petals have faded and their heads nod, heavy with seeds for the feasting red-wing blackbirds, goldfinches in their dun feathers, and even the rowdy bluejays.  

The most glorious tomatoes from the garden this summer were fully appreciated with the powerful, sacred attention of the Jizo Sesshin.  Are there any more? Maybe a few.  

And the last clutch of baby barn swallows has departed for South America.

Summer 2024 at Great Vow has come and gone. 

Like everything, these experiences flow through like a river. Looking back, it is like recounting a dream.

And now we turn our minds towards Autumn, the deepening practice time of Ango, gathering the Sangha, gathering our heart-minds, looking ever more deeply into this life.  Please peruse the ZCO calendar page.  You are always welcome to join us in stepping forward with curiosity and wonder through practice.