The Work: a weekend Inquiry Retreat
January 4 - 7, 2024
Thursday 5pm to Sunday 1pm
During this retreat, we will use Byron Katie’s method of inquiry called The Work to investigate our core beliefs and fixed ideas which cause suffering in our world. What ideas to you have about your life and the world that actually are not in service to the development of compassion? We hold many views simply from habit. In this retreat we will be given tools to expand beyond what we believe to be our limitations, and see our world from a place of insight and deeper wisdom.
Resilience is our individual capacity to thrive in demanding situations, and to get back up when we are ‘knocked down.’ The choices we make when responding to difficult situations and our attitude and willingness to act demonstrate resilience. Working together, we can support, with compassion, resilience in ourselves and in our fellow human beings.
Eduardo Zambrano |