Membership Information

There are many ways, of course, to be a member of this community. Be here! Stay for lunch. Attend events at the temple and monastery. Community brings practice to life!
To learn more about membership, check out the information below.
How do I become a member of ZCO?
If you want to become a ZCO member, simply fill out the form below.
Questions? Please contact
It’s simple. We just need to hear from you. If you want to become a ZCO member, use the form below to sign up.
If you want to make membership dues, choose a membership level which includes recurring payments. Thank you for your your practice.
No, becoming a Buddhist requires study, intention and inquiry. Suggested steps on the path toward becoming a Buddhist in this community are: regular meditation practice, taking the Inner critic workshop, Introduction to Zen Practice (IZP) class, attending a Zazenkai or other one-day retreats, community service, studying and taking the 5 precepts. After studying the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts and participating in a ceremony witnessed by the Sangha, one becomes a Buddhist.
You don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice with us nor to become a ZCO member. We’re glad you’re here!
ZCO membership is on a sliding scale. Please offer what you can. Membership levels are detailed on the form below.
Check the calendar for times and teachers. Most teachers have an opportunity to connect as part of a meditation session and at other arranged times. Membership is not required. Feel free to ask any of the teachers about meeting.
Get to know the teachers by attending their meditation session online or, in person if available. Our teachers have their own styles and personalities. Find one that resonates with you.
Please see Teachers and Dharma Holders.
By becoming a member of ZCO, you are deciding to invest in our community. We emphasize that this looks different for every person. We encourage members to contribute in a way that matches their resources and abilities. This can include volunteering, donations, and simply coming to the temple or monastery to practice. ZCO relies on the generosity and dedication of members to make possible our Monastery, Temple, and programs including residencies and scholarships.
The boundless effects of regular Zen practice have incalculable benefit. ZCO depends just as much on folks dedicated practice as it does on volunteering and donations. Please do not let a lack of resources be a barrier to joining our community. We are walking the path to Awakening together!
To donate financially, select the option that is sustainable for you. There are options to make payments by check or credit card online and on our application form.
To volunteer at our temple, please reach out to our temple manager To volunteer at our monastery, please call 503-728-0654. (Note: during Covid, we limit activities in order to maintain social distance).
Volunteer opportunities include gardening and landscape maintenance, building and building system repair and maintenance, various administrative tasks at both the monastery and temple, librarian, housekeeping, and vehicle maintenance.
Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in joining Zen Community of Oregon!
Joining with other practitioners in support of the Sangha naturally leads to connections and friendships with other members.
Zen Community of Oregon is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Your contributions are tax deductible and an accounting is available as needed.
Membership information
Choose a plan to enable the PayPal buttons.

If you have any problems with this form or membership in general, please email