Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi

Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism since 1973. She received Jukai (lay precepts) in 1975 and Tokudo, Priest’s Ordination, in 1979 from Taizan Maezumi, Roshi. From 1978 to 1983 she lived at Zen Center of Los Angeles, studying with Maezumi, Roshi and directing the Zen Center’s non-profit Medical Clinic. She finished formal koan study in 1983 and she was given Dharma transmission (authorization to teach) that same year. Following the death of Maezumi, Roshi in 1995 she has continued her training with Shodo Harada, Roshi, a Rinzai Zen teacher and the abbot of Sogen-ji monastery in Japan.

Since 1985 Chozen, Roshi has been the teacher for Zen Community of Oregon. In 2002 she helped to found Great Vow Zen Monastery and is the co-abbot. In 2011 she also helped found Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple in Portland, Oregon.

She has published many articles about Zen in the periodicals Tricycle and Buddhadharma. Her first book, Jizo Bodhisattva, Modern Healing and Traditional Buddhist Practice (Tuttle, 2002), has been re-issued in paperback as Jizo Bodhisattva, Guardian of Children, Women and Other Voyagers by Shambhala.  She is the author of How to Train a Wild Elephant: And Other Adventures in Mindfulness (Shambhala, 2011), and Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food (Shambala 2011).

Chozen, Roshi is also pediatrician, mother, and wife.

Events with Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi

Koan Sesshin
April 14, 2025

Zen koans are words, phrases or questions that can re-orient us from the discriminating mind to the One Mind, from the Relative to the Absolute.   In this sesshin we will work with koans, stilling the mind, and experience the bright clarity that comes forth as each moment   Sesshin is a rigorous and, at times, challenging silent meditation retreat that is not recommended for beginners. In order to attend in person, we require that you attend one of our silent weekend retreats or a five-seven day silent retreat at another Zen Center before registering for our longer zen retreats. For…

Jizo Ceremony for Children Who Have Died
May 31, 2025

The loss of a child often opens a well of profound grief. No matter how the child dies, suddenly or slowly, whether through illness, accident, miscarriage, abortion, or suicide, our sorrow is deep and may be long-lasting. To help families and friends in their process of grief, we honor their lost loved one by participating in a ceremony in the Jizo Bodhisattva remembrance garden. Jizo Bodhisattva is regarded as a caretaker of women, travelers, and children who have died. We will spend time making a personal memorial for our loved one, by writing a message, making a simple toy or…

Mindful Eating Weekend Retreat
June 27, 2025

It can be so easy to lose touch with the basic joys of our life.  With eating, the simple exploration of texture, smell, taste and touch, can bring us into deep presence and ease. What is it like to truly taste a raisin? How often do we just eat, without a cellphone or radio, without distraction? Chozen Bays Roshi has been teaching mindful eating for decades. We eat to be nourished, body, heart and mind. With mindfulness practices and community support, we can learn together – the art of eating,  and the joys of being nourished. In this workshop we…

Jizo Sesshin
September 9, 2025

This retreat begins on Tuesday!   This retreat will focus on the qualities of Jizo Bodhisattva, guardian of all that comes from the earth, and Jizo’s qualities – benevolence, optimism, fearlessness, determination, and vow. A unique element of this retreat is the inclusion of time devoted to art projects, creative time, and a slide show and talk about Jizo. As part of our practice, we will be making small Jizo-related items. Due to the nature of this retreat schedule, we will be sitting outside and also out of the zendo to make art, there will not be an online option.…