Patrick Bansho Green

Patrick Bansho Green has practiced with the Zen Community of Oregon since 2004 and received Lay Transmission from Chozen Bays and Hogen Bays in 2019, priest ordination in 2021, and completed Preceptor Authorization and Dharma Transmission in 2023. As board president, he led the effort to found Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple, a lay practice center in Portland, Oregon (2010). Prior to becoming the current Administrator for ZCO, Bansho worked for twenty years in the labor movement leading social and economic justice political and legislative campaigns. He is married to Laura Jomon Martin and lives at the Monastery.

Events with Patrick Bansho Green

Oceans of Compassion: A Retreat In Service To The Earth
September 19, 2024

Inspired by the regular SOLVE Oregon Beach Cleanup activities, and in conjunction with the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Day, you’re invited to join the Zen Community of Oregon for a weekend CAMPING retreat at BEVERLY BEACH STATE PARK. Take a long weekend on the coast to connect with the Sangha. With a relaxed schedule and opportunity for socializing, there will be sitting times, Dharma talks, and practices to take with you into beach clean-up practice. We will focus on themes of Compassion, listening practice, our precious living earth and waters, and the Bodhisattvas who look after them. We will…

October Sesshin - The Ancient Way
October 10, 2024

There is something very special about the magic of autumn and the kicking off of the fall ango practice period that makes this sesshin so powerful. What a great gift it is to be able to sit together in silence. This is our longest sesshin of the year. The extra days enable us drop down into the bare bones essentials of our lives. We have this rare opportunity to turn towards the practice/awakening that is our true nature, and to celebrate quietly together in the container of sesshin. Day after day plunge into the waters of mystery and exploration. Turn…

November Sesshin - Gratitude
November 11, 2024

  With gratitude for our beloved sangha near and far, the Monastery joyfully offers another sesshin. This sesshin has no set price. All are welcome to attend, and donations from the heart are welcome. During this week of practice, we will eat only the offerings brought to us specifically for this retreat. So food donations, while always welcome, are particularly helpful! Bring food that you like to eat, bring food that will challenge our kitchen team and cook. The head cook (tenzo) will need to dive into creativity and allow the surprises of each donation manifest our meals. We will…