Laura Jomon Martin
Laura Jomon Martin has been practicing Zen since 2004, receiving Lay Teacher Transmission from Chozen and Hogen Roshi in 2019. She has served in various capacities within the ZCO Sangha, leading retreats, classes, and is always excited about Sangha-building activities and organizational development. She continues a long career as a social worker (since 1993), with most of those years in community mental health agencies. She is an LCSW in private practice, specializing in working with healthcare professionals. She has taught MBSR and secular mindfulness since 2009. She and her husband Bansho currently reside at Great Vow.
Events with Laura Jomon Martin
February 2, 2025
This course introduces the key teachings of Buddhism as they are embodied in our Zen tradition. We will explore the biography of the Buddha in historical context and engage with the foundational practices he taught. This course is a requirement for Jukai, but anyone who is interested is welcome to participate. This class takes place on concurrent Sundays, beginning February 2nd from 3:30 to 5:30 pm
February 3, 2025
Zen meditation is an invitation to the unknown. During this sesshin we take up the Buddha’s Parinirvana–the Buddha’s death, as the essential inquiry into our own relationship with death, dying and the uncertainties of this life. How often in your daily life do you allow yourself to reflect on your own mortality, your own death? This sesshin provides the structure and support needed to look into the fears and anxieties surrounding death, dying and the unknown. Supported by the stillness and quiet of winter, we allow the body, heart and mind to deeply settle and rest – as we feel…
June 9, 2025
Because of our past as well as presently existing beliefs and attitudes, our capacity to meet ourselves and life and the people, places and things within it, with an open heart, is probably not fully embodied. Buddha taught that love and friendliness can be developed immeasurably, and that there is only benefit in filling ourselves and the world with love’s energy. In this retreat we will engage various practices for opening the aperture of the heart wider than its default setting with the goal of familiarizing ourselves with just how much freedom we have to be warm and open, even…
September 16, 2025
This retreat begins on Tuesday! This retreat will focus on the qualities of Jizo Bodhisattva, guardian of all that comes from the earth, and Jizo’s qualities – benevolence, optimism, fearlessness, determination, and vow. A unique element of this retreat is the inclusion of time devoted to art projects, creative time, and a slide show and talk about Jizo. As part of our practice, we will be making small Jizo-related items. Due to the nature of this retreat schedule, we will be sitting outside and also out of the zendo to make art, there will not be an online option.…