Laura Jomon Martin

Laura Jomon Martin has been practicing Zen since 2004 and in 2016 was made a Dharma Holder. Her career has been in social work since 1993, primarily in community mental health, and she is currently an LCSW in private practice, and a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, certified through University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Events with Laura Jomon Martin

Jizo Sesshin
September 10, 2024

This retreat begins on Tuesday!   This retreat will focus on the qualities of Jizo Bodhisattva, guardian of all that comes from the earth, and Jizo’s qualities – benevolence, optimism, fearlessness, determination, and vow. A unique element of this retreat is the inclusion of time devoted to art projects, creative time, and a slide show and talk about Jizo. As part of our practice, we will be making small Jizo-related items. Due to the nature of this retreat schedule, we will be sitting outside and also out of the zendo to make art, there will not be an online option.…

Oceans of Compassion: A Retreat In Service To The Earth
September 19, 2024

Inspired by the regular SOLVE Oregon Beach Cleanup activities, and in conjunction with the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Day, you’re invited to join the Zen Community of Oregon for a weekend CAMPING retreat at BEVERLY BEACH STATE PARK. Take a long weekend on the coast to connect with the Sangha. With a relaxed schedule and opportunity for socializing, there will be sitting times, Dharma talks, and practices to take with you into beach clean-up practice. We will focus on themes of Compassion, listening practice, our precious living earth and waters, and the Bodhisattvas who look after them. We will…

Five Buddhist Precepts for Ethical Living: Online Class Series
October 8, 2024

These one hour online 5 Precepts classes will happen every Wednesday for six weeks. 7 pm – 8 pm We all want to live a compassionate life. The precepts give us a framework for what it means to live an ethical life. More then a set of rules to follow, the precepts are deep inquiries into the actual living of our lives with attention and love. The format is an introductory talk followed by class discussion. Participants will be encouraged to do a short writing on each precept and practice with the precept during the week. There are also some…