Hogen Bays, Roshi


Hogen Bays, Roshi began practicing in 1968 with Philip Kapleau, Roshi and was part of the residential staff at Zen Center of Rochester in Rochester, New York until 1975.

He lived and trained at Zen Center of Los Angeles under the direction of Taizan Maezumi, Roshi from 1980-1984. In 1990 he took priest’s ordination with Maezumi, Roshi. After advice and consultation with Harada, Roshi and other Zen teachers, in 2000 he received Dharma Transmission from Chozen, Roshi.

Since 1990 Hogen has continued his Zen studies with Rinzai Zen teacher Shodo Harada, Roshi, abbot of Sogen-ji monastery in Japan and One Drop Zendo in Tahoma, Washington.

He has been a leader of Zen Community of Oregon since 1985 and worked full-time for the sangha since 1997. He is co-abbot of Great Vow Zen Monastery.

Hogen holds a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Master’s Degree (MS) in Psychology. He worked for the Oregon Department of Corrections for 15 years.

Hogen is a lifelong and devoted student of the Dharma and continues to broaden his practice by studying with teachers outside the Zen tradition.

Events with Hogen Bays, Roshi

Commitment and Connection: A New Year's Retreat
January 3, 2025

  What does it mean to be entering a New Year? One the one hand, as humans, we are simply pinning a tail on vast space and calling it ‘time’. On the other hand, a New Year can have very significant implications in our lives and the lives of those we love. How do we live both truths? This is a practice of staying connected to our fundamental nature, which is expansive and unconditioned. It is a practice of cultivating trust through commitment to practice and connection with Sangha and teachers. What will the New Year bring? Together let’s rest…

Vow Sesshin
January 7, 2025

  From emptiness springs forth our deepest potential. When we are able to drop our ideas about who and what we are, we can recognize the infinite realm of possibility that has always been our playground. Reality before interpretation, before we start applying labels and identities, is vast and unbounded. From this space, we access the wisdom and compassion that is the source material of our life. With wisdom and compassion as our foundation, we recognize that we are the totality. Nothing separate and always in relationship. We come to see our personality and our personal particularities as part of the…

March Sesshin - Deep Listening
March 14, 2025

Watch a short Video from Jogen Sensei, detailing the practice of deep listening: The Joys of Sound with Jogen Sensei Zen Master Bassui – “What is this mind? Who is hearing these sounds? Do not mistake any state for Self-realization, but continue to ask yourself even more intensely, what is it that hears?” Awareness meeting sound has been a gate into the depths of the heart-mind for as long as human beings have longed to touch the divine and open beyond the contracted self. During this sesshin we come together in joyous recognition of the power of deep listening, and…

October Sesshin - The Ancient Way
October 9, 2025

There is something very special about the magic of autumn and the kicking off of the fall ango practice period that makes this sesshin so powerful. What a great gift it is to be able to sit together in silence. This is our longest sesshin of the year. The extra days enable us drop down into the bare bones essentials of our lives. We have this rare opportunity to turn towards the practice/awakening that is our true nature, and to celebrate quietly together in the container of sesshin. Day after day plunge into the waters of mystery and exploration. Turn…