Vancouver, WA
Zen Group
The Zen Community of Oregon is excited to announce that we are establishing a practice venue for sharing the Dharma, in the lineage and tradition of Chozen and Hogen Bays, and the White Plum Asanga in Vancouver, Washington.
We have found a place to meet! Starting January 21. It’s a lovely yoga-type space above Bauman Chiropractic: 202 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98663
We will have Zabutons, chairs and sitting supplies, but do bring your own sitting supplies if you have them.
Our first in-person meeting there will be Tuesday January 21st, at 7pm. Please bring a donation of canned or shelf-stable food, as we will be making our first in-person meeting an act of generosity to the community.
Until then, we will continue to meet on Zoom Tuesday evenings at 7pm. January 7th and 14th.
Tuesday night Zoom link: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Please contact Jomon with questions: