March Sesshin – Deep Listening

Date: March 14 - 23, 2025

Time: Friday at 5pm to Sunday at 1pm

Location: Great Vow Zen Monastery or Online

Address: 79640 Quincy Mayger Road, Clatskanie, Oregon 97016, USA

Price: $100 - $450
Email us about program

March Sesshin – Deep Listening

March 14 - 23, 2025

Friday at 5pm to Sunday at 1pm

Watch a short Video from Jogen Sensei, detailing the practice of deep listening:

The Joys of Sound with Jogen Sensei

Zen Master Bassui – “What is this mind? Who is hearing these sounds? Do not mistake any state for Self-realization, but continue to ask yourself even more intensely, what is it that hears?”

Awareness meeting sound has been a gate into the depths of the heart-mind for as long as human beings have longed to touch the divine and open beyond the contracted self.

During this sesshin we come together in joyous recognition of the power of deep listening, and sink into the myriad voice of this wonderful life. We listen to simple ambient sounds of the zendo, building and forest, we listen to bells and breath, occasionally we listen to pieces of recorded music.

We will practice a form of shamatha-vipasanna with awareness both focused and wide open, resting and vibrant, receiving, permeating and participating as the trackless flow of sound.

Everything is calling out to us. Awaken! Hello! I love you! I am you!

Sesshin is a rigorous and, at times, challenging silent meditation retreat that is not recommended for beginners. In order to attend in person, we require that you attend one of our silent weekend retreats or a five-seven day silent retreat at another Zen Center before registering for our longer Zen retreats. For more information about what to expect when attending a sesshin, click here.



Jogen Salzberg, Sensei
Hogen Bays, Roshi
Anusha Enryu Fernando